I love animals
My travel usually has an animal theme:
- I visited an elephant sanctuary.
- I swam with dolphins.
- I was zookeeper for day.
I'm loyal
- I'm a girls' girl. Men scare me a little. I always put my girlfriends first.
- I'm a loyal friend. If you need a ride or die, I'm your gal. You'd really have to mess up for me to ever turn my back on you.
I love travel
I've been to:
- 49 of our 50 great states
- 23 countries (lived in England for a brief but magical period)
I'm a romantic
- I like flowers, gardens, weddings, babies and kids, grand gestures, candles, rainbows, babbling brooks, waterfalls, gardens, castles, twinkly lights, and all that's glittery or sparkles.
I love exploring
As life goes on, I get "curiouser."
- I love to read, especially biographies.
- There is so much to learn and do and so little time!
Why am I here?
I have no clue, I just try to figure it out, as I go along. Every day, I try to be a better person than I was the day before. I try to find something new to learn, something old to be grateful for, and something current to enjoy. And I make time for cuddling with my dogs, every day.

Why a website?
Why not? Seems like a fun place to share my adventures and observations.